Prices as low as £2.00

Per Seat!

Our seats are available to hire out for your summer BBQ’s, house parties, social gatherings, events… Well, just about anything you might need an extra chair for.
Our seats are checked and cleaned after every rental so you can be sure you’re collecting ready-to-use seats.

Our seats are available to hire out for your summer BBQ’s, house parties, social gatherings, events… Well, just about anything you might need an extra chair for.
Our seats are checked and cleaned after every rental so you can be sure you’re collecting ready-to-use seats.

Quick FAQ's

Click the link above, select your dates, pick up and drop off times and quantity needed. Prices will be calculated automatically.

At the moment, rentals are pick up and drop off by the hirer. If business continues to grow, we’ll be investing in our own transport vehicle to bring the seats to you.

We don’t have a set area – if you can collect and deliver, you can rent our seats.

2 Bath Street, ILKESTON, Derbyshire, DE7 8FB.

This is our pick up and drop off location.

Nope! Prices include tax. It’s worth noting here if you are late bringing back a seat rental, you may be invoiced a late fee. There are no additional charges, unless your rental overruns. Everything is written in black and white on your Rental Agreement (Hire Contract).

We do charge an additional Security Deposit in proportion to the rental, but if you return all your seats on time and undamaged, we’ll return the deposit to you.

Booking online is pretty straight forward. When you come to collect your rental, you’ll need to bring 1 form of photo ID and 1 proof of address (unless your photo ID shows both). You’ll be given a Rental Agreement which will need to be signed before the seats can be taken away. Please allow 10 minutes on arrival to complete your booking.

Yes you can. However, you’ll need to drop a text, call or Whatsapp us so we can be available to collect your rental and return your deposit.

You can call, text or whatsapp our business number: 07512 357278

Our Whatsapp Link:

You can also e-mail but please note we may not respond as quickly as calling or texting.